with Wesley
6 Weeks, In-Person and via Zoom
Tuesdays, October 8 – November 12
5:30 pm CST
Cost: $90; or $75 for veterans, students and seniors; $45 for repeat students
This course will explore basic breathing methods, yoga breathing practices and pranayama for establishing a calm and pleasant mind, and for deepening the meditation experience. The class will include both discussion and practicum, and will cover a range of practices from basic diaphragmatic breathing and breathing for relaxation, to the practice and proper sequencing of more specific pranayama such as kapalabhati, bhastrika, ujjayi and nadi shodhana. Also included will be techniques deepening meditation through sushumna application and mantra.
The Himalayan Tradition is an unbroken tradition of yoga meditation in which the teachings of the Himalayan masters of meditation have been passed on from master to student for 1,000’s of years.
Wesley is a long time student and teacher of meditation who began teaching at the request and under the guidance of Sri Swami Rama, the founder of the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Society.
“The most important and most overlooked step in meditation is that of preparation. Without the appropriate preparation, physical, mental, or emotional distractions will create obstacles that prevent your meditation from becoming deep and profound.” ~Swami Rama. Meditation and Its Practice. Honesdale, PA: HI Press 1998.
“Sushumna application is the most important factor in spiritual practice. The moment sushumna is awakened, the mind longs to enter the inner world. When the flow of ida and pingala is directed toward sushumna, and distractions are thereby removed, meditation flows by itself.” ~Swami Rama
Himalayan Yoga & Meditation
5000 W. Vliet St. Milwaukee, WI 53208 | 414-395-0235
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